गतिः प्रादक्षिण्य-क्रमण-मशनाद्या हुति-विधिः ।
प्रणामः संवेशः सुखमखिल-मात्मार्पण-दृशा
सपर्या पर्याय-स्तव भवतु यन्मे विलसितम्
gatih pradaksinya kramanam asanadyahutivihih
pranamas samvesas sukham akhilam atmarpanadrsa
saparya paryayas tava bhavatu yanme vilasitam
Circumambulation, food-offerings, inclination, adoration by lying down;
All such enjoyments, as coming within the scope of self-surrender
And thus synonymous with worship of you: let such be what from me might shine forth.
(Vivekacudamani, Verse 60: "A net of words is a great forest where the fancy wanders; therefore the reality of the Self is to be strenuously learned from the knower of that reality." ED)
Japo jalpah - mutterings and incantations
Silpam sakalam api - ritual acts
Mudra viracana - hand gestures
Gatih - gait
Pradakshinya kramanam asana adyahuti vidhih - circumambulation, burnt ritualistic food offerings
Pranamaha samveshaha - inclinations, prostration
Sukham akhilam - all such preferences
Atma arpana drsha - treated as coming within the scope of self-surrender
Saparya paryayaha tava bhavatu - let them be synonymous with worship for You
Yanme vilasitam - what from me might shine forth.
"Let this all be one master-worship".
Whatever you do as Karma (action) is to be put together and seen as worship of the Devi.
(The ritualism of the tradition of the Vedas is classified traditionally under Karma Kanda - the domain of action - as opposed to Jnana Kanda - the domain of wisdom, which is Vedanta. ED)
It is an equation between Self and Non-Self.
In the usual temple there are various acts, signs, pujas etc.
Take all of these and treat them as a synonymous of worship. The priest can do as he likes - they have no meaning in themselves.
They must be cancelled with their own Numerator.
Put a circle around all the possible rituals of temple worship and equate that totality with its Numerator.
There are various aspects of ritual; they are to be considered as all being the same.
(The Guru speaks about the pundits, they will not see properly because of their vested interest in ritualism.)
There are here listed six or seven actions which a priest will do in an orthodox Devi temple; bells, flowers, camphor etc. are involved.
Treat all of this, circled in its totality, as a Denominator aspect of the noumenal - it means adoration of the Devi.
Do not tell the priest that he is wrong, tell him that you understand it all:
"Of course I believe it all - it is a protolanguage"
Treat it as one bundle of adoration - mark it down in your account book as adoration of the Devi.
The conventional man will be bothered about the details of the ritual and say "Oh, he left out the fifth motion in the ritual".
- never mind, it just means adoration of the Devi.
All intelligent people can underline this and accept it.
Action is a Denominator; cancel it out with the light of intelligence which is the Numerator aspect of the Absolute.
Another version:
- Incantations, mutterings
- Gesture (acts) and all
- Making of finger signals
- Ambulation (movement)
- Clockwise circumambulation
- Obligatory rituals such as (what has to do with) eating.
(By way of fire-sacrifice offering.)
- Prostrations and lying prone (six (?) limbs offered to the Devi by lying prostrate.)
- Joy, everything (which is experienced in worship)
- Viewed in the context of self-surrender (to the Devi or Non-Self)
- As synonymous to worship ( they have only linguistic status,
and are synonymous to worship)
- To You let this become ("You" means all wise readers)
- That which manifests from me (by way of my behaviour or attitude)
Let all wise men understand this puja, not ridicule the man who
does it: he is trying to adore something.
This is the highest point to which culture can attain.
Let it have this meaning and no other, to all wise men.
"That which by itself has shone from me - take it as one total monomark, cancelling out with the Numerator factor."
This all in adoration of the Absolute.
Culture cannot go any farther than in this verse.
When examined critically, in the light of Philosophy, this verse still stands.
The Devi is saying: "That which has emanated as light out of me - this is the Denominator".
The understanding is the Numerator.
These have been beautifully brought together.
This is also an equation between the Self and the Non-Self. "This dry world of convention is a dead world of Pharisees! Who wants that?"
(This with regard to pundits who interpret these verses conventionally. "I hate that" - the Guru.)
"Beware of 1) Those who talk too much. 2) Those who put religious marks all over their bodies. 3) Women who peek out of their saris." - Ramakrishna.
Not that he has done this act consciously:
"When I stand in worship of the Absolute, treat my actions as the only language I am capable of using to adore the Absolute".
This verse treats worship as integration of the Self with the Non-Self.
Sankara treats the whole of ritual, puts a circle around it and treats it as the Non-Self of the Devi; as Her counterpart.
The intention is to establish a link or equation between the Self and the Non-Self - the aim of all prayer.
The equation is reversible and cancellable, leaving only the Absolute.
A man does ritual worship of many kinds, with many actions
- it is all to establish the link between the Self and the Non-Self.
Another version:
- Incantations, mutterings
- Acts of worship and all
- Hand gestures
- Circumambulant ways
- Such as eating, all obligatory ritualistic offering
- Salutation
- Lying down
- Pleasurable experiences
- All
- Under the aspect of self-surrender
- As the equivalent of the worship of You
- Let it be
- Whatsoever emanates from me (shines forth from me)
I am an Advaitic philosopher and I treat this list of actions as a whole, as a synonym for self-surrender.
An equation and a cancellation are involved here.
What I do and what I am are dialectical counterparts to be cancelled out.
Numerator should become Denominator and vice-versa.
They are interchangeable.
("In the universe there is Krishna, in Krishna there is the universe", as the Gita states.)
Also a comparison is made between the micro- and macrocosm.
It resembles Planck's quantum mechanics, also implosion and explosion, entropy and negentropy.
c.f. conversation with Maitreyi and the Hermetic secret.
(Above are some illustrations of Hermetic mysteries. We must confess that the reference is not clear to us. ED)
There is between them a love with a capital L.
Cause and effect become the same.
VERSE 26: Surviving evil by double assertion. He survives without double negation.
VERSE 27: the equation of Self with Non-Self. This is a neutral position or matrix - use the crystal here, to show equalization.
VERSE 28: double negation - "Not, not" is more affirmative than a mere "Yes".
Double Negation - show a man in a well kicking his feet in the water and saving himself.
Let it be Eros: show the milk ocean churning and the drinking of poison.
These are sets or ensembles - see Cantor.
There is one-one correspondence.
Physical and metaphysical adoration are cancelled out, when treated as one-one sets.
There is one-one correspondence between acts of worship and cybernetic language.
Actions concentrate the mind and establish bipolarity between subject and object - achieving homeostasis.
Waving lights is a figure-eight = cancellation.
"From me..", "with you.." - cancellation of the Self with the Non-Self.
Ritual is intentionality